CERUTTI “il Caffè” Extra Milano

CHF 6.30CHF 26.00 + VAT

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Intense taste, a more marked personality with floral notes of honey and vanilla, hints of licorice and pepper.

Intensity: alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text

Aroma:    alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text

Taste:     alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text alt-text

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Informations complémentaires

Weight 0.2 g
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm

250g in grani, 500g in grani, 1000g in grani, 250g macinato moka, 500g macinato moka, 250g macinato espresso, 500g macinato espresso